If you’re a home gardener, or aspiring to be one, it’s about time to give your garden a pre-harvest checkup. There is so much more involved in really getting a big harvest than just planting and watering .  With a little extra TLC, your summer harvest will be huge, super delicious, and very nutritious. Don’t miss out on fall harvest vegetables too. The end of summer doesn’t have to mean the end of your garden.

Pre-Harvest Garden Checklist

Check these item off your list to keep your garden abundant and beautiful

  • Plan your fall vegetable planting schedule – It is amazing what you can still plant. Beets, Turnips, Spinach, Kale, and Swiss Chard, all work great for fall harvest vegetables. Peas and spinach can be planted again at the beginning of August for yet another later fall harvest.
  • Fertilize vegetable gardens regularly all summer.
  • Start broccoli and cabbage seeds indoors for fall planting.
  • Don’t apply insecticides too close to harvest (even organic varieties).
  • Harvest regularly to promote more growth.
  • Watch out for mildew as the temperature begins to drop (especially on squash plants that look like white blotches on the leaves).
  • Reduce water to tomatoes to encourage quicker ripening if needed.
  • Every part of squash plants can be eaten including leaves, flowers, and tender roots.
  • Harvest and dry herbs.

If you end up with more vegetables than you can use, why not donate them to your local food bank or homeless shelter.