Posts tagged with: snack

Last week I did the second installment of my Milkshake Monday posts. We have been having such a great time with the milkshakes that I decided to keep Milkshake Monday going...
Last week I did a Milkshake Monday post. I let each of the kids make their own milkshake with any ingredients that they wanted. They all wanted OREO Milkshakes though....
With it being summer most of the kid’s activities are on hold for the next month. July seems to be our month of no lessons, no practices, and no schedules....
I like desserts, who doesn’t? Sometimes I just want a little light treat, that can also double as a breakfast for the girls on the weekend when they get up...
This morning I was helping my kids get their lunches together so that they wouldn’t miss the bus. They usually do it on their own but since we all hit...
On the first day of school I decided that since I am a stay at home mom, I was going to act like one too. I made all the beds,...