Posts tagged with: summer

A must-stop when in Hogsmeade, Honeydukes has shelves that are lined with all manner of delicious treats. Acid Pops, exploding bonbons, Cauldron Cakes, treacle fudge, Fizzing Whizzbees, and Chocolate Frogs – just...
One of my favorite, and most epic, family traditions is our Summer Fun Day. With Labor Day around the corner, there’s still plenty of time to have your own Summer...
Summer campaign can be great! Especially when the dads stay home and the moms and kids are in charge!...
My dog, Mojito, came to live with me 6 years ago last week. He came to me as an 8 week-old puppy that was taken from his mother too soon....
You know how you crave the summer for the long, lazy days? You picture yourself sitting outside sipping lemonade while the kids play in the yard. We have not had...
Last year at the beginning of July we took a trip with family to the Poconos. While we were there we took one afternoon and hiked around Bushkill Falls. We...
I have been reading about all of these amazing locations that we need to go. How about looking at these and choosing one and we can head out tomorrow -...
What little girl doesn't LOVE a tea party? Little girls and tea parties go hand in hand. No matter how simple or fancy it is, they will enjoy it. I...
Growing up my father was active duty in the Army. We moved across the world and back, all before I was 17. We lived in Utah, Iowa, Virginia (twice), Illinois...