All posts by: Elle

Keeping the kids entertained during the summer can be quite a chore. Moms everywhere are on the lookout for new and engaging activities that don’t cost a fortune to keep...
*This post is a sponsored and/or compensated post. All opinions and stories are mine alone. Do you hear it? Have you heard it already this summer? The dreaded, awful chant...
Side dishes at dinner are like the drummer  in a band. They’re never center stage, but things just wouldn’t be the same without them.  These crispy oven roasted potatoes are...
The Fourth of July is a big deal in my husband’s family, a really big deal. By my standards, a big deal event needs big deal food.  This Fourth of...
It is officially summer, a time when brains turn off and devices turn on right? Um… no. Keep your kids learning this year with some good ol’ fashioned summer reading...
Giving an old piece of furniture new life is so satisfying. I just love that feeling of knowing I’ve taken something that might have otherwise been junk, and turned it...
8 years ago today I lost my dad to cancer. I can’t say he lost his battle with cancer because he didn’t. Cancer never got the better of him. He...
We barbecue at our house at least 3 times a week during the summer (winter, fall, and spring too). Grilling is our cooking method of choice 90% of the time but...
Taking part in a Ragnar relay series is a landmark challenge for a lot of runners, and taking on Ragnar Hill is pretty much the “Everest”. Watching the runners take...
No Cinco de Mayo celebration would be complete without two very key ingredients… a piñata for the kids, and pineapple margaritas for the grown ups. With Cinco de Mayo right...