Posts filed under: Kids

Summer campaign can be great! Especially when the dads stay home and the moms and kids are in charge!...
What little girl doesn't LOVE a tea party? Little girls and tea parties go hand in hand. No matter how simple or fancy it is, they will enjoy it. I...
You do all the planning, book your tickets, get your hotel, and then... rain. You get up in the morning to see the forecast and look out the window...
Wordless Wednesday: On The White Sandy Beach Of Hawaii...
You know that look you get from other passengers when boarding a plane with kids in tow? It doesn’t take a psychic to know what’s going through their heads. “Oh...
All you do is replace the Rice Crispy cereal with Fruity Pebbles. Just do it. Make them and let the kids eat them. Or let the kids make them. Easy....
Car seat safety is one of the most important components to keeping children safe during travel in the winter....
My girls are out of school this week for Fall Break, but I still have to work. Luckily, I work from home so I am around to supervise their time off....
She was born 11 weeks early. She was tiny. She was cranky. She was Abi. As she grew her personality grew. If someone told her that she was “too small”, she would...