Posts tagged with: life

Wordless Wednesday: On The White Sandy Beach Of Hawaii...
Small changes in your daily life can lead to big changes over the course of the next three months....
With the holidays upon us my husband has been begging to know what I want. I just don’t know how to answer. Of course I want a trip to Europe,...
Create A Writing Time Schedule…And Stick To It. Whether you are a full-time blogger or a part-time poster keeping to a schedule will help keep you organized. I set aside 2...
The clocks “fall back” this year on November 1st. What does this mean for all of us? First of all, it means that we get to sleep in an extra hour....
When I was in New York for a week during July it seems that I took a lot of selfies. Here is just a small sample of my photos. My...
Here’s my 5 minute brain dump… After missing a week or two participating in Stream of Consciousness I am back. I don’t know why I missed last week. I don’t...
Here we go… I am thought-less today. I have been so busy cleaning and unpacking the house that my mind is just running through all of the things that I...
With 4 kids finding time to make healthy dinners is almost impossible. I found this graphic at Women’s Health and now I have a week’s worth of go-to meals!...
My family never thought that we were “Disney People” until we realized that we were, well, “Disney People”. We have skipped Christmas and taken the family to Disneyland not once but...